Welcome to
Suicide Bereaved Community.
We are a community of people who have suffered bereavement by suicide, an experience that can bring its own set of difficulties often resulting in loneliness and isolation. We believe it is important to have connections with others who, because they share it, truly understand our experience.
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What we do?
We support our community by providing opportunities for social get-togethers and for networking, both online and in person.
We feel that this style of support augments other mainstream talking therapies (through counselling and/or group meetings); we find the more relaxed environment of a social or physical activity conducive to being able to express our feelings, or simply to feel ‘not alone’ when in the company of others.
SBC will organise 4 scheduled events each year, currently based in and around Gloucestershire. We are also keen to encourage and facilitate the community in arranging and sharing other ideas for activities we might enjoy together.
We offer a number of ways in which anyone who feels they would benefit from such contact with others can do so:
Community Facebook group
Community Organised Activities
Join an online chat
Who We Help?
We know from our own lived experience that for some it may be difficult to engage with others in the intense atmosphere of talking therapies.
This may be particularly true for longer-term bereaved who, hearing descriptions of others’ recent experiences being described in Discussion Groups, can experience a negative impact resulting from revival of memories from their own trauma.
There are those too who struggle to attend regular Group meetings due to their location or the non-availability of public transport. Others simply find that they are better able to engage in a more relaxed social setting.
We exist for anyone (over 18) who has suffered a suicide bereavement, who will find it helpful to be in contact with us.
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News and Events
See below for the latest news and events in our wider community
A lovely afternoon at a beautiful venue
A lovely afternoon at a beautiful venue - by Trish On Saturday 29th June twelve SBC members visited Nature in Art (Wallsworth Hall, Twigworth, Gloucester, GL2 9PA) and enjoyed all that venue offers its visitors. The weather was kind, the sunshine (but thankfully...
Taking your horse for a walk
A Mum is walking miles with a resin horse in tow to promote awareness of the importance of mental health in young people After losing her teenage daughter to suicide, Emma Webb has been putting energy into raising awareness about the tragedy of suicide in young people...
Jola Malin makes a SPLASHhh
One of our SBC members, Jola Malin, is inviting you to her very special event! She'll be at Landsown Hall each day during an exhibition of her art work: SPLASHhh... a drop in the ocean A mixed media exhibition including meet the artist gallery talk, running from 29th...
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Community Contributions
We are a community of people who have suffered bereavement by suicide.
Why Did I Write a Book about my Bereavement by Suicide? – by Jola Malin
Why Did I Write a Book about my Bereavement by Suicide? I have been to many funerals. Family or friends whose death was not entirely unexpected. I know how bad grief can be, lonely. It changes you inside. Suicide shoots you. In 2009 my sister died by suicide – no...
Review of ‘Men and Grief’ – by Steve Carter
Review of Men and Grief – by Steve Carter (2015) Men and Grief: A Man's Guide to Recovering from the Death of a Loved One by Carol Staudacher The sub-title of this book, which was first published in 1991, is 'A Guide for Men Surviving the Death of a Loved one. A...
Review of Malignant Sadness – by Roger D Smith
Review of Malignant Sadness – by Roger D Smith (2008) Malignant Sadness: The Anatomy of Depressionby Lewis Wolpert This is an excellent book Lewis Wolpert – who himself suffers from depressive illness – opens up by giving the reader a very realistic insight into the...
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