Here you’ll find details of any calls for research volunteers or publications from research studies that are shared with us and may be of interest to our community
Are you over 60 and have experienced a bereavement by suicide?
Strathclyde University, in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation would like to invite you to participate in research.
We would like to invite you to take part in a oneto-one interview to hear about your experiences of being bereaved by suicide, and how this has impacted your life. Why: People over 60 who have been bereaved by suicide often get overlooked or find that their support needs go unrecognised.
People interested in participating should:
- be 60 years or older.
- have experienced a bereavement by suicide more than 12 months ago.
We welcome participants from a range of cultural and diverse backgrounds.
Our team, which includes researchers who have experienced bereavement by suicide, would like to talk to you. The interview will take approximately one hour.
When & Where: At a time convenient for you on the telephone or by video call.
If you would like to help us, then please get in touch with Jeffrey Hanna from the University of Strathclyde on
There is no obligation to get involved beyond finding out some more information and whether this research is right for you. Your enquiry will be treated in confidence.
This study is led by Dr Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Professor of Social Work at the University of Strathclyde in partnership with the Mental Health Foundation. The study has been approved by the University Ethics Committee.
Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Partnership Bereavement Research
The Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Partnership Steering Group (GSPP) would like to hear the views of those who have been bereaved by suicide about the support they received and would have liked to have received, following the death.
We appreciate that this is a sensitive topic, but your important feedback will help us understand the needs of those bereaved by suicide and help contribute to the development of future pathways for bereavement support.
We have put together an anonymous survey and there is no obligation to complete any or all of the questions. We would like feedback from any adults aged 18 years and above who live in Gloucestershire, regardless of your relationship to the deceased (e.g. next of kin, family member, friend, health care professional, neighbour, witness etc.)
We are aware that completing the survey may trigger emotions and memories, and we have provided information on sources of support in the survey.
We would welcome responses by 7th March. You can access the survey here