A Crafty Afternoon – by Debs and Trish
SBC’s pre-Christmas Get-together was smaller than planned as our numbers were affected by Covid and other health issues for some unlucky people – we missed seeing you, best wishes and hope you will feel better soon.
Those who were able to attend indulged in some creative activities. Working to a theme of Angel Wings and following some examples, we soon got into the spirit, and a treasure trove of recycled materials were soon upcycled into some pretty tree decorations and two stained glass-effect window hangings. These were displayed on our ‘tree’ – a branch from a silver birch – to allow for the glue to dry, and later, a photographic opportunity!
Meantime we sat and enjoyed a tasty buffet lunch – many thanks for the extra yummy items contributed. We have already had one suggestion for next year’s craft activity for which we are already collecting suitable items to use.
Grateful thanks again to Chris Evans for letting us use his Butterfly Garden facilities. Some also enjoyed browsing the Craft Fair being held in his shop on the same day.