Autumn Amble/Ramble Day – Sarah and Di give us an insight to their day with us in Newent
Sarah tells us about her day Ambling:
Kathleen and I went from the market square toward Newent Church. We found a cafe in the same area as the Runcible spoon, it was more of a greasy spoon cafe. We sat at table and had a long chat about how our lives had coincided. Sue, who we were aware was another ambler, had gone for a slow amble and also spent some time resting with a book before rejoining us all for tea. I saw the lady in the red wellies walk down the alleyway at the side of the cafe.
On leaving the cafe Kathleen and I went to the church: we walked around Newent Church, were a wedding was taking place, the crowd came out of the church but we did not go inside. We chatted as we walked round the church. We then walked back to the market place and went up the stairs to the museum where we looked at the displays including a display on Joe Meek, the musician who was born there and who died by suicide in London. He had a famous hit called Telstar which was on Margaret Thatcher’s Desert Island discs. We had a great day!
And Di tells us about what she and the Ramblers got up to:
The walk and afternoon tea couldn’t have come at a better time for me, as I was approaching my son Simons anniversary, and as a recent widow was facing the prospect of having no family around at this particularly tough time.
I was a little concerned about the walk as I’m not in the best of health, but the gentle stroll in beautiful undulating countryside chatting to others who understand helped me so much. Capped off with a coffee and choc brownie (felt I had no choice but to go for the brownie as my lad just loved his chocolate!) completed a lovely, supportive afternoon with others who have also experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide.
I was even given a lift by fellow SBC members, which helped enormously as I find driving these days really stressful.
Thanks to all the volunteers who organised the day.
Additional note from Debs:
Heartfelt thanks to both Di and Sarah for the insight to their personal experience of the day. And I’ll leave you with this comical photo of the Ramblers, being swallowed by a cornfield!